Monday, February 23, 2009

The Pharmacist..

I had no idea before today that there even was a 6 AM!

At any rate, I'm up and about to head out the door to go be in a movie! The scene is being shot at a local punk club. I'll be playing the role of the guitarist in a Goth band..?? Chris, the drummer in my band will be playing drums too.

The movie, entitled The Pharmacist is a movie being shot here in Edmonton and stars Clinton Carew. Clinton was the director for my video, Transportation and was nominated for a Western Canadian Music Award for it.

I hear we'll have our choice of either Tim Horton's OR Starbucks coffee, on set! This is the big time folks!

Monday, February 2, 2009

New Album name....

Been a little busy as of late.
Sorry for my lack of presence in the blogging department...
The band and I have been busy with photo shoots, mix approvals, touring arrangements and a the other cool things that the music biz entails...
After the original songs for the album were recorded, I wrote a few more songs that I felt were strongest I'd written in a while, so just when I though the record was done, we went back in to my studio and tracked 2 more songs.
John Whynot is now working away, mixing the record and I gotta say, so far, it sounds really awesome!
Dustin Delfs and his assistant Micheal of Laughing Dog Photography were extremely generous in donating an incredible photo shoot for the album artwork.
The photos are now off with Nick Perreault, who designed the award winning artwork of my last record, In Transitwhere he is putting together the new artwork.
Now.... The answer to the burning question.... What's the name of the record?
Drum roll....
"Wondering Where The Rush Has Gone".