Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'm a Star!!....Well...Kinda...

I answered my door today to find a UPS delivery guy standing there with a very heavy box.
He asked me what the hell I was receiving that was so heavy. I told him, once I examined the shipping label that they were CDs.
He says,"You're THAT James Murdoch!!??". I was a little surprised but sure enough, he knew who I was. He bought a CD right then and there.
Now, if only the J.W.'s were so savvy!...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Last Sunday At Mark's

Thanks to all who made it down to the Crown Pub aka: Mark's Place, on Sunday night.
We packed the place for a great concert with Nick Perreault w/ Krispian Schmidt-Paborn and from Victoria, The Ian Farish Band.
Crown Pub is always a great hang out. Watch for more shows coming soon.
Ian Farish has been gracious enough to set up a couple gigs for me and the trio in Victoria in March. We'll be playing an afternoon show at the auditorium at St. Michael's University School and then, later that evening, opening for Ian at his CD release at Hermann's. Looking forward to it!
Check out the website for more details

Friday, February 15, 2008

New Dates!

I'm pretty excited about all the dates that are coming up. They seem to be flooding in.
We're going to be hitting B.C, Alberta and Saskatchewan in March.
April brings us up to the Yukon! I haven't played up there in at least 4 years!
This summer we will be playing festivals and hitting Eastern Canada!
Continue to check the Tour Dates link on my website for constantly updated info.
Thanks, J.M.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thawing Out

I have many pet-peeves. One of them is the misuse and mispronunciation of words or just simply, making words up all together. Amongst these, I would include: "dethaw", "expresso" (that one really pisses me off) and the inability of people to distinguish between "they're", "their" and "there".
Yesterday, I was watching Deal or No Deal. The woman on the show insisted on calling the cases, "cages". She went on to turn down $540,000 and won close to nothing. Definitely among the world's chosen few...
But, speaking of the former, "dethaw", we have finally hit a thaw here in Edmonton and holy crap, am I glad of it.
My car has started a total of 3 times this month and close to the same last month. It's a diesel, so it doesn't like the cold but usually if I plug it in it's fine. So I plugged it in. Still, no-worky. I finally noticed that one of the wires on the block heater was cracked. So in minus 43 with a wind chill that was more like a balmy day on Pluto, I replaced the plug. The car started an hour later and the next day it was minus 3...
Just finished mixing David Aide's new CD. For those of you who don't know, David is the piano/organ player in the band.
The record was a long time coming. We started tracking over a year ago... It sounds great though. I'm sure it will be ready for the masses in the next couple months.
The studio has actually been pretty busy. This month we plan on finishing the "Songs From The Ave." record.
I have a song on it called "Letters From Home". It turned out pretty cool. Very mellow.
It actually got me thinking about all the songs I have recorded but have never released.
Maybe I'll try to make them available on itunes or my website. Let me know if you're interested.